Vehicle Tracking Systems, Software and Devices

Vehicle Tracking Devices

The most basic benefit of all GPS vehicle tracking devices is knowing where your company vehicles are. But there are many other benefits you can achieve with tracking that will help you achieve your business goals.

More than just dots on a map, implementing a vehicle tracking system can help you reduce operating costs, increase fleet security and safety, improve customer service and make it easier to seamlessly monitor and manage your entire mobile workforce.

Identify and prevent unauthorised use

Vehicle tracking software shines the light on employees to stop bad behaviour in its tracks. Your vehicles are important to your business and you should be sure that they are not being misused for side jobs.

With GPS tracking devices, you can view and replay any journey made by your vehicles.

Control fleet fuel costs

Many GPS tracking systems have preset alerts that can notify you when your vehicles are excessively idling or speeding. Reducing unnecessary idling and speeding can reduce your fuel bill considerably.

Verizon Connect Alerts enable instant notifications about key events, such as unauthorised vehicle activity, idling or excessive speeding.

Reduce labour costs

Some tracking devices have a timecard function so that you can make sure your drivers are paid correctly. Verizon Connects Hours Worked Report provides you with actual hours a vehicle is in operation, actual start and finish times, average daily hours and more. Timecard reporting can help you reduce unearned overtime pay and also cut back on heavy paperwork in the office.

You don’t want to spend precious time and energy validating time sheet entries and unraveling payroll issues.

Increase productivity

If you are interested in getting more business while your drivers are out on the road, your GPS vehicle trackers need to have a “Find Nearest Vehicle” feature. When a job comes up during the day, you can use our GPS fleet tracking software to find your closest technician. Adding just three extra jobs a week can increase your bottom line significantly.

Vehicle GPS systems can minimise wasted time on job sites, reduce vehicle down time and shorten response.

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