4 ways to go the extra mile for your customers


It is no secret that customer service is of utmost importance for business success. Your customers are essentially the reason your business exists, and, therefore, it is vital they have a high opinion of your organisation. 

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that if you treat your customers well, they are more likely to stay, treat them poorly, and they’ll likely leave. But not only that, in the age of social media, customers are exercising their buying power, readily telling the world what they think of your business – be it good, bad or indifferent. 

To help make sure your customer base is a happy one, here are four ways you can go the extra mile for your customers…

1 – Listen

Make sure your customers are heard. Record all customer feedback, and most importantly, put a process in place to so that it is received by its intended audience and doesn’t just stop once it hits the ears of your complaints team.

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Garner as much feedback as possible by leaving comment cards at jobs or incentivising customers to fill out online surveys. Finally, do a regular search on your company name through social media sites to see what your customers are saying about you, and be proactive in addressing any situations that need to be put right.

2 – Throw in perks, as standard

This can be an incredibly affordable way to leave a good impression after every customer interaction. Think of any little, additional extras you can surprise your customers with each time they use your service. For example, if your customer requests a car to take them to the airport, they expect a car to take them the airport – they may not expect bottled water, mints, fresh fruit and anything else that make their journey more comfortable. 

Providing free perks like this can not only increase customer satisfaction, but also helps your business to stand out from the competition.

3 – Keep an eye on your assets

If your business relies on fleets, it pays to know where they are. Should your driver run into trouble on the road, or a situation out of his or her control is likely to cause a delay, a robust vehicle tracking solution help you keep your customers informed ahead of time or quickly and easily re-route your drivers if necessary. 

4 – Be easy to talk to

Do everything you can to appear available to your customers. Give them plenty of ways of getting in contact: online, via telephone or social media and even by good old fashioned snail mail. Remember, what works for some may not work for others, so make sure you’ve got all the bases covered by offering multiple avenues for communication. 

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