Fleet productivity is all about the numbers

It’s about getting more done with fewer resources in less time. Get real-time access to your fleet’s data to improve planning and reduce overtime and unauthorized vehicle use. You’ll see what’s working, and what isn’t.

It’s about getting more done with fewer resources in less time. Get real-time access to your fleet’s data to improve planning and reduce overtime and unauthorized vehicle use. You’ll see what’s working, and what isn’t.

Asset utilisation – using what you’ve got

Vehicles, trucks and other mobile equipment – it all represents a big investment for any mobile workforce. Asset utilisation is simply making sure that you’re getting the best return possible. Our gps asset tracking software helps you do that in several ways.

Identify idle assets

Unused equipment is not just a poor investment – it can also be a symptom of an underutilised workforce. Monitored assets can easily be reported on to show current utilisation, providing a good starting point for making improvements.

‘Just right’ your asset stock

Having more equipment than you need creates a lot of extra overhead for your business. Time spent maintaining, managing and repairing surplus assets is a massive drain on your productivity. With accurate job history reporting you’ll know what equipment you need for future work.

Big picture reporting

Your different locations might operate independently but being able to tap into company-wide reporting to check for available equipment could save time going out to buy or rent.

Minimise unproductive time

There’s unproductive time in every employee’s workday but there are ways to keep this to a minimum. Our solutions can help speed up the tasks that don’t directly contribute to your bottom line – compliance, regulatory paperwork, driving between jobs or scheduling maintenance.

Smarter routing saves kilometres of time

Help your team drive more efficiently between stops with optimised cloud-based routing that factors in the needs of your customers and matches it to your available resources.

Reduce compliance paperwork

Paperwork can slow down your business with a lot of unproductive administration. Go digital and have drivers complete their hours of service and vehicle inspections electronically.

Less downtime with improved maintenance scheduling

Stay on top of maintenance with automated alerts for future servicing, providing your repair shop or service provider enough time to order parts, schedule the work and provide replacements when needed.

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Good productivity? Let’s make it better

There’s always room for improvement and even with optimised work order management you’ll see ways to fine-tune tomorrow’s plan to improve the team’s productivity. We provide you with the tools to easily compare the plan with what’s actually happened.

Plan vs. actual comparison

See how your mobile workforce is tracking, both in real time and historically, against the optimised plan. Identify deviations to make adjustments to the plan and avoid holdups.

Last minute or ad hoc jobs

Don’t let last-minute disruptions wreak havoc on the team’s productivity. Handle changes easily, reassigning or rescheduling work to accommodate new jobs as they come in.

Driver scorecards

Set your productivity goals and share with the team for some friendly competition as they compete to reach the top of the leaderboard.

Planning for productivity

It’s easy to keep your teams productive with prioritised mobile job management and smart planning tools.

Work order management

Scheduled work orders can be sent direct to a worker’s mobile device at the start of their shift. Prioritise jobs based on location and specific customer requirements such as time windows.

Smart territory management

Build optimised territories for your drivers and provide better load balancing, less overtime and fewer kilometres to drive, while increasing customer satisfaction with more on-time deliveries.

Detailed job sheets

Mobile workers can benefit from detailed work orders that can be accessed using their mobile phone or tablet. Photos, customer notes and job history can be easily referenced to improve efficiency and avoid repeating mistakes.

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Less paperwork, more productive.

If you can minimise time spent on paperwork, you can make every job more profitable. We can help you convert traditional paper forms to electronic versions, as well as automating the flow of information, saving time and improving accuracy.

Centralised client records

With all the relevant client information in the one place and accessible via the internet, your team will have quick and easy access to the data they need to get the job done.

Automated, verified timesheets

Automate the process of recording work done by individual employees with verified information that includes driver, location and time spent on the job.

Integration with billing software

Setup connections with your customer billing software to improve invoicing turnaround and accuracy. Get paid sooner and improve cash flow.

Scheduled custom reports

Create reports with the information you and your employees need, then schedule them to send at regular intervals for easier reporting. Choose from a variety of formats including Microsoft® Excel and PDF.

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Within 15 minutes we will show you how our platform can best fit your business objectives.

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