Reduce fleet costs. Improve the bottom line.

A detailed view of your fleet’s operations helps identify savings. Our software helps reduce fleet costs so the solution may ultimately pay for itself.

A detailed view of your fleet’s operations helps identify savings. Our software helps reduce fleet costs so the solution may ultimately pay for itself.


Lowering fuel costs is a simple way to cut operating expenses. But it’s tough tracking these operating costs across your entire fleet’s operations. Integrated fuel cards make it easier for you to track driver behaviors that drive up fuel bills. You can even single out fuel charges by vehicle and eliminate unauthorised fill-ups.

On average, our customers have experienced a 25% reduction of their annual fuel bill* due to reducing excessive idling, speeding and drive time.

* Source: “Benefits After Effective Deployment of Fleet Management System” Frost & Sullivan 2015.


Sticking to arbitrary maintenance schedules can be wasteful. Using advanced engine diagnostics and real-time mileage reporting can help implement smarter maintenance schedules. Fleet maintenance software helps you reduce labour costs, spend less on parts and minimise downtime.

Vehicle breakdowns can lead to lost time on the road and large repair bills. By staying on top of vehicle maintenance, you can avoid these losses and costs. With our solution You can set alerts to notify you when a vehicle needs service based on distance traveled, hours worked or a pre-determined date.


Paying your employees too much over time is an expense that can be an issue for many businesses. Every hour of overtime means less profit for your company. But with better utilisation of the resources you have, your team will be able to get more done in less time.

You can also avoid the expense of adding more workers during busy periods or business growth, instead allocating and assigning staff more intelligently.

Monitor, measure, and analyse fleet, driver, and employee performance 24-hours a day, and assure yourself that your team members give their best effort at all times.

Get accurate time card reports that detail exactly when your drivers start their shifts, where they are, how many stops they have made, and what time they have completed their deliveries.

Smarter routing can also mean employees are spending less time driving between jobs, and more time earning money.

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Capital / asset costs

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you need all the vehicles and equipment you have in inventory. How do you know if you are getting a good return on your investments? Under utilised assets can be a daily drain on your operational budget … and your bottom line.

The key to making better use of the assets you already own is the Asset Utilisation report. It details what’s being used – and what isn’t – and how you can save in several areas of your business.

Renting equipment

Do you end up renting equipment because you can’t locate the piece you own? With GPS tracking and real-time status, you’ll know what’s available and where it is.

GPS telematics hardware

Exclusive partnerships with a growing number of manufacturers means the GPS hardware you need might already be installed.

Bring your own device

Run our software on smartphones and tablets your employees already use. It reduces the need for training, and saves on costs associated with purchasing third-party devices.

Right-size your assets

Make better use of the assets you already own. Sell off underutilised assets and to reduce daily maintenance costs.

Upgrade your paperwork

Your mobile workforce generates a lot of paperwork. There are forms for everything: consignment notes, POD (proof of delivery), vehicle inspections, job sheets and customer invoices to mention just a few. Converting paper forms to electronic versions can reduce fleet costs in several ways:


The cost of purchasing paper forms, pens, clipboards and other stationery can quickly add up. Converting to a digital workflow can reduce overhead, particularily for costly official forms.

Form handling

Finding the right form, filling it in and getting it to the right department can be time consuming. Digital forms can be stored on a single mobile device with the right form set to appear just when it’s needed.

Data entry

For data entry personnel, deciphering hand-written forms can be a nightmare. Using electronic forms means the information goes directly into your database saving time, speeding up reporting and improving data accuracy.

Location data

Use real-time location data to prefill forms. Examples include automatic notification of workers arriving and exiting a location, which can be used to automate timesheets, job billing or delivery confirmation.


Speeding tickets and other moving violations are a costly expense of owning and operating a fleet. A single ticket can raise your insurance rates, and if your drivers receive more than one, those tickets could end up costing you thousands of pounds in higher premiums each year.

Fines for failing to comply with relevant compliance mandates such as hours of service (HOS) or vehicle inspections (DVIR) can further drive up costs.

Compliance tools can help make sure drivers are observing the law and keeping fines – and downtime – to a minimum.


History reports help validate your fleets’ improved safety records and can reduce insurance premiums up to 40%*. GPS fleet tracking provides an effective means of tracking vehicles if they are stolen. A higher recovery rate means reduced vehicle loss and insurance claim costs.

We work with a number of insurance companies to leverage your telematics data, improving fleet safety standards and reducing your insurance costs.

* Insurance discounts are available through participating Liberty Mutual Insurance companies. Eligibility is subject to meeting applicable underwriting criteria. Some business classes are ineligible for coverage. Insurance discounts may vary based on applicable safety score and other underwriting criteria, and are subject to additional rules on file in states where available.

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SaaS saves on IT costs

SaaS (web, or cloud-based, software) means all your data processing and storage is handled by our secure web-based servers. Software upgrades, backups and continuity planning for network outages are all taken care of – you just need an internet connection!

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