Big, Beautiful Data


In today’s world, we crave, consume and create more data than ever before. So much so in fact that, according to BBC Business, an estimated 90% of all existing data currently in existence has been created over the past few years.

But trying to make sense of so much data can be somewhat overwhelming and it’s easy for your content to get lost in a sea of information. Therefore it is more important than ever that organisations present their data in attention grabbing and easy to digest visual formats – raw data simply doesn’t cut it anymore. 

Infographics are becoming an increasingly popular tool to display information because they provide a visual representation of data and other findings. Bringing together design, copy, and analysis, infographics can communicate complex data in a format that is both engaging and easy to understand.
If you’re not already using infographics and other forms of data-visualisation to get your message across – both internally and externally – here are three great reasons why you should be…

It’s quick, easy, and eye-catching – Presenting data visually helps it to stand out against endless pages of text and allows your audience to digest the main facts instantly. In fact, studies have shown that it takes a little as 150 milliseconds  for our brains to process images – processing and recognising words can take over twice as long.

It makes your data go further – Infographics present information in a way that compels people to share it around their own networks and circles, more so than any other format. According to MDG Advertising, content that is presented in a visual format, such as an infographic, generates an impressive 94% more views than simple text.   

And last, but no means least… It really works – The statistics speak for themselves – brands that use infographics generate traffic at least 12% faster than those that don’t, while presenters who visualise data in this way are said to be 43% more effective in persuading an audience to take a particular course of action.

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