You can’t put a price on quality


In recent years there has been a rapid expansion of vehicle tracking systems on the market. Fleet Managers can now track their drivers, their behaviours, plan routes and potentially save themselves time and money.

Now, at this point you might be thinking a product like this is a no brainer? It’s also relatively cheap if you’re looking for basic functionality. However, we believe you can’t put a price on quality and that’s why our product goes one step further.

Our Fleet Tracking may not be the cheapest but the features available could ensure you run a tighter ship.

You could be taking advantage of the following: 

  • 360-degree view of your fleet’s daily operations so you know what’s going on in the field and can dispatch more resourcefully.

  • Fuel Efficiency Reporting to identify driving patterns and how efficient your fleet are when they are out on the road.

  • Easy on-the-go Mobile App so you don’t have to worry about stepping away from the office. Access all the same information, like dashboards, as you would on a desktop.

These are just a few of the benefits of our product. We realise it’s not for everyone but you could be missing out, on what we feel, is a smart operational decision.

If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call on 01 424 5441 and we’ll dive into more detail.


Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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