Verizon Connect delivers results.

We can help you maximize your return on investment specifically to meet the challenges of your business – environmental, safety, fuel management, reporting – and we give you all the answers you need to sell it up (and down) the line.

Verizon Connect offers you all of the fleet management information you’ll need from GPS industry white papers to ROI calculators. For more on how we can respond to your specific situation, contact us today.

Reduced fleet expenses

Software that helps reduce fleet expenses makes fleets more profitable. Minimise fuel spend, reduce miles, lower labor costs, improve asset utilisation and more.

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Happy customers

Help improve fleet customer service with technology to meet special requirements, accommodate changing delivery schedules, manage delays, respond faster and do more.

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Safety & security

Help improve fleet safety and asset security, monitoring vehicles and equipment for unsafe behavior. Provide mobile workers with the tools they need to keep themselves and others safe.

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Flexible hardware

We work with the telematics hardware that best suits you. Whether built-in or aftermarket install, mobile device or BYOD, we offer flexibility and deployment support.

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Better productivity

Help improve fleet productivity with software to help you better utilise assets, improve planning, speed up compliance, eliminate paperwork, and schedule maintenance.

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Fuel efficiency

Help reduce company costs and improve your fleet fuel efficiency by identifying unnecessary idling, speeding, aggressive driving, and poor route planning.

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Get a free demo

Within 15 minutes we will show you how our platform can best fit your business objectives.

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