6 Advantages of Working with a Single Vendor


Like the universe, the enterprise software marketplace is expanding rapidly. More and more vendors are entering the market, often with a growing range of solutions to create a confusing array of purchase options for corporate buyers.

And it's not about to get any easier for those tasked with purchasing enterprise software systems, with reports that spending on ERP solutions will reach almost $300 billion worldwide in 2012.

With money like that in the marketplace we can expect that it will continue to attract a steady stream of new vendors looking to capitalize on what they see as easy money. Unfortunately the influx is only going to muddy the waters for anyone who wants to compare, evaluate and make good purchase decisions on their company's ERP solutions.

More ERP Software Can Mean Dealing with Multiple Vendors

As companies continue to invest in additional ERP software systems to handle their ongoing growth, this can often mean the number of vendors they end up dealing with grows at the same time. This creates its own set of difficulties, not the least of which is the increasing amount of time it takes to manage these relationships and coordinate that internally.

Even without multiple ERP vendors, companies may already be dealing with a significant number of suppliers, even for basic services such as telephone, internet and power. Often it becomes a full-time job for internal administration staff to keep up with the paperwork, reporting faults or requesting technical or sales support, a major cost in itself.

6 Reasons Why Dealing with a Single Vendor is Best

1. Minimize compatibility problems

Because the vendor specifically designs their products to work together, on the same platform, there are several advantages for the user including no double data entry, more cross-application features and faster processing speeds.

2. Get new features sooner

Since you're already running on the vendor's platform you have the infrastructure in place to deploy new features or applications from the same vendor a lot quicker, without all the preflight checks normally required when taking on a new program.

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3. Save time in the procurement phase

We all do it but not many of us actually enjoy time spent comparing vendors to find the best. If you had to do that every time you needed a new application you'd wear yourself out. If you've already found a quality supplier, it's easier if you can stick with them for additional software you need.

4. Vendor takes more responsibility

There's an old saying 'one bloke to choke' that can apply when working with a single vendor. In contrast, a multi-vendor environment can have you going from one to the next to get a problem resolved, with each vendor blaming the next.

5. It's just easier

One phone number, one contact, one invoice; it's just easier dealing with one vendor. Period.

6. Faster deployment and staff training

Software from the same vendor follows the same style of usability. Similar controls and functionality means new features and applications can be rolled out, and staff won't require a lot of intensive training to get up to speed.

Streamline Your Operations With a Single Vendor

There might be times when it makes sense to use multiple vendors, but there are plenty of reasons to stick with one if they're doing a good job of looking after your business needs.

Of course, if you're currently dealing with multiple vendors maybe it's time you looked at moving to a vendor that offers a complete solution on a single platform. Make the switch today and start enjoying the benefits of working with a single vendor.

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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