The Power of AI-Backed Integrated Video


According to Transport Topics, “Several years ago, onboard video was still a novelty used by only a small percentage of carriers. Now it has emerged as a full-blown segment within the trucking tech­nology sector.”1 Modern integrated video solutions enable fleet managers to enhance vehicle and driver safety, boost vehicle security and increase cost savings across the enterprise, particularly when integrated with existing telematics systems. But not all solutions offer the same benefits or leverage next-gen technology like artificial intelligence (AI), like the solution available through Verizon Connect, which provides customers a distinct integrated video advantage.

Top benefits of Verizon Connect Integrated Video

Integrated Video seamlessly connects to the Reveal platform to provide fleets, managers and drivers with a host of benefits. Overall, organizations can:

  • Review harsh driving footage
  • Gain insight into fleet operations
  • Better protect the company against liability, particularly false claims
  • Improve driver performance
  • Better protect their brand
  • Support insurance premium and discount negotiations
  • Mitigate risk

Specifically, fleets can utilize:

  • AI filtering and machine learning: Our AI-based video analytics filter out inconsequential events and classify events correctly based on preset parameters specified by each customer. For additional system optimization, our underlying machine learning allows the system to continually refine classifications while our employees simultaneously solicit customer feedback to fine-tune classification descriptions. The result is a solution that accurately assesses each customer’s unique circumstances related to how their specific fleet operates.
  • AI-based analytics: Solutions from Verizon Connect save fleet managers valuable time by applying AI algorithms to analyze every video, classifying them by type of event/severity level (e.g. collision, harsh driving event, near-miss, etc.). This can save managers from having to sort through hours of video and resulting in little for them to review or take action on unless notified by the system.
  • Video as proof: For heavy-duty vehicles and fleets, false accusations and the resulting costly litigation are a significant problem. Solutions from Verizon Connect provides near-real time access to footage from any point in time in a vehicle’s journey, and the video is available on the mobile app or Reveal on the web within a few minutes. This can help protect drivers, trucks and companies against false claims by enabling fleet managers to access video snippets from the date and time of the alleged event to instantly disprove liability in the face of a false claim.
  • Advanced coaching: Our solution enables fleet managers to track and identify driving styles and trends, and identify unwanted driving behaviors like harsh cornering, hard braking and speeding. This information can then be used to create a driver coaching curriculum—for all drivers or for specific individuals—based on positive reinforcement.

The difference is in the details

All the capabilities in the world are only beneficial if fleet managers find them easy to use and seamless to access. Verizon Connect Integrated Video records continuously, and when the system identifies that an event has occurred, camera footage can be requested from just that timeframe—beginning 10 seconds before and continuing 5 seconds after.

That segment is then uploaded to our partner’s cloud storage via a distinct URL, which is reviewed and classified by AI. If it falls under a classification previously deemed notification-worthy, the customer is notified, and they can easily access the information on our mobile app or via Reveal (on the web or on a mobile device). The customer can further refine what they see and how they see it by choosing to filter by more detailed parameters (e.g. per vehicle, per event, or per group of drivers).

Learn more about how Verizon Connect Integrated Video can help your fleets overcome operational and safety challenges.

Not only is Integrated Video simple to use and comprehensive in what it covers, with it, customers get value-added components that contribute to a seamless experience:

  • Frictionless onboarding: We empower customers take control of solution support by arming them with tools and information to help identify problems up front, enabling users to easily resolve many in issues in minutes on their own, instead of spending hours on the phone with customer support.
  • A clear view: As an integral part of the Verizon Connect Integrated Video solution, the small and unobtrusive camera is easy to mount and provides a 150-degree field of view coupled with professional-grade HD video to afford fleet managers the clearest picture of what’s going happening along each point of a driver’s journey.
  • Flexible installation options: We can install integrated video for customers, or for those who prefer to quickly activate the solution themselves, we offer an in-app self-installation option that’s as easy as 1-2-3: 1) physically mount camera 2) physically link it to Reveal 3) align it.
  • Ongoing support: Verizon Connect also offers more in-depth troubleshooting should a camera malfunction. If unable to address any issues on their own, customers can take advantage of a dedicated integrated video support line that links directly to support center staff, who have direct access to camera performance diagnostics. These diagnostics are continuously gathered in real time to discern if the camera is operating properly and recording correctly.
  • Quick guides: Customers have access to in-depth product guides as well as troubleshooting quick guides, and can get 24/7 proactive support within the mobile app or web application itself. In addition, we take the initiative to suggest tips to streamline the use of alerts and help users take fullest advantage of the system’s capabilities.
  • Future-focused additions: Planned additional features include the ability to delegate video alerts to any recipient or group in addition to administrative users of the account.

“See” for yourself

As reported by Transport Topics, “Ultimately, the growing use of cameras in trucking will provide fleet managers with a more accurate picture of what is really happening out on the road,”1 and it is critical for today’s fleets to take advantage of this important technology.

Learn more about how Verizon Connect Integrated Video can help your fleets overcome operational and safety challenges.



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