Key to Sustainability and Growth: Your Back Office


As the end of the year draws near, it’s time to take stock of the goals achieved, losses suffered and potential changes to help improve your business in the next year. You’re invested in managing every aspect of your business, from improved efficiency to growth in profit, but you may find it challenging coming up with ways to achieve sustainable growth that doesn’t greatly increasing costs.

Owners and managers, particularly in small- to medium-sized businesses, are strapped for free time because you’re wearing many hats. Choosing a mobile management solution that is the right fit for your business can be a complex and overwhelming process. But regardless of the size of your business, the right software can make it easier to manage and improve your operations.

There are many facets of your day-to-day operation that could be streamlined by a management solution to better understand your business and how to help it thrive. We’re offering a few suggestions on how using telematics solutions can be the key to the sustainability of your business by helping to cut costs, while promoting growth and sustainability to produce better business outcomes for your operation.

Modernize paper-based tasks

Keeping track of work orders, jobs status and payroll is difficult for any one person to manage while remaining both organized and time-efficient. With the speed, efficiency and organizational benefits of work order management tools, the days of relying on and dealing with paper are gone. Getting rid of paper invoices, avoiding phone tag with your field employees and the hassle of duplicate or missing documents can help you provide faster service and lower operational costs. This can also help minimize the inevitable incident of human error that comes along with tracking tedious details about customers and their specific needs.

Learn how Lamar Advertising used technology to improve business efficiency to observe what was working well, set up alerts to passively monitor day-to-day operations and save valuable time.

Work better together

Find the right solution for your business with our free Fleet Management Buyer’s Guide.

The new year bring a fresh opportunity to tune up your relationships with clients and employees and prepare to cultivate new ones. In today’s world of hyper-connectivity and next-day-delivery, it’s more important than ever to modernize your operations to keep up with the latest innovations that allow you to keep in constant contact with your employees and customers. Equipping your field employees with the right information and tools on their mobile devices at all times allows them to best represent your business while keeping them in the know about job changes and customer details. These capabilities are essential to exceeding customer expectations and streamlining your employee’s work, even on the jobsite when you and your back office staff can’t be there in person.

Additionally, the ability to keep track of where your workers are geographically and in their schedule can provide you with insight that you can use to make more informed business decisions as inevitable changes occur on a day-to-day basis. The negative impression made when an appointment is missed or repeatedly rescheduled at the last minute, or any other promise is not delivered, is difficult to recover from and could have long-term effects on your reputation and, ultimately, your ability to generate revenue.

Plan ahead, get ahead

Mobile workforce management software goes beyond allowing you to take actions that can help improve the efficiency of your business and measure their effects. Maintaining your competitive edge may require far-reaching changes across your business, and your leadership needs to freedom to focus on strategy rather than the daily grind.

Simplifying manual processes and empowering field employees to provide excellent customer experiences reduces wasted time and money, freeing you up to instead focus on proactive planning to minimize the impact of disruptions and use data to make educated, and more importantly, impactful changes to your operations.

When it comes to improving the sustainability of your business, avoid the temptation to stick a bandage on your problems. Instead, optimize your operations and get at the root issues behind the symptoms of inefficiency, poor reputation and declining profits to yield a greater and more meaningful return in the long run.

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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