Eliminate Paperwork to Get More Done


“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.”

Were truer words ever spoken? “Days of Our Lives” may not be known for its realistic plotlines or Streep-level acting, but the tagline certainly hit the nail on the head. Sometimes it really does feel like each day, week and year that goes by is like a grain of sand disappearing into the bottom of the hourglass – and don’t even get us started about hours in the day.

Have you ever looked at clock sometime between your first and second cup of coffee and thought, “Phew, I’ve got a ton of time left to get through everything,” only to look at the clock again to find it’s the end of the day and you’ve hardly gotten anything important done … just a whole lot of boring but necessary paperwork?

You’re not alone if so – admin tasks are a big part of managing or supervising an office, but they take up a TON of time, they’re not very interesting, and worst of all, they take time away from being much more productive in higher-level work.

Paperwork, honestly, should be a thing of the past – and it can be.

Using field service management software makes all the paperwork and admin-type tasks that suck up so much of the workday partially automated and much easier to check off a to-do list – giving you time back in your day to get to the important stuff.

All paperwork – client information, job orders, quotes, invoices and more – is entered into the software system once, via a field worker using a mobile app, or an employee uploading a document or typing in info. All info is kept in the cloud and is instantly accessible from anywhere with a few clicks of the mouse – no physical filing required.

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Field workers can send invoices from the mobile app and take payment from the field, without the office needing to generate and send an invoice. Without placing or receiving a call, techs can accept a job, send status updates, and even close a work order with a few clicks on their smart phone or tablet. 

Even the accounting is easier. The software integrates with common accounting programs like Quickbooks, which means you only need to enter info once – it doesn’t create more work by forcing double data entry. You can even run reports on billing and tax with a few clicks of the mouse.

Meanwhile, because everyone can access everything from anywhere – even at the same time – everyone can stay on the same page (while also staying out of each other’s way and letting everyone do their own jobs without a thousand phone calls back and forth).

When paperwork moves into the digital realm, and when you have some of the most unproductive but necessary tasks automated, you get whole hours back in your day. 

This means you can focus on your important tasks and stop feeling like the office clock is like an hourglass on overdrive – maybe you’ll even be able to sneak in some trashy TV watch time.

We’ll never tell.

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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