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Tales from the Road: Cost Savings
You probably already know that the LogBook platform can help your drivers stay safe and compliant, but did you also know that it can help you save money? Nearly half of surveyed LogBook platform customers have already improved against cost savings goals using LogBook. How are they doing it?
“Saves lots of time for me and the drivers, plus I don’t have to keep a filing cabinet full of paper logs.” – Stephen Mayes, Transportation/Safety/HR Manager, Tucker Milling Company
One key way that the LogBook platform helps businesses cut costs is by saving them time and effort in scheduling with electronic reporting. With automatic reports, you can easily access your entire team’s logs each month. Simply save the automatically generated report and move on with your day, knowing that your reporting for the month is done.
Here’s how simple it is
1. From the “Reports” tab, click “Driver Log Report” under the “Driver Logs” column.
2. At left, pick which drivers or groups you’d like to see, or choose the entire fleet. Select which time frame you’d like to see in the report.
a. Pro tip: You can customize your report under “Report Options” and “Advanced Options” at bottom left, including options like only viewing certain days of the week or viewing co-driver status.
b. Click “Run Report” in the center of the page.
3. Click “Email”, “CSV”, or “PDF” to export it. Even better, you can set it up to run automatically by clicking “Schedule”!
4. Choose the frequency and time range for the scheduled report, then click “Next” to choose who it should be emailed to once it’s created.
The result
Your cost in time and money for reporting is dramatically reduced, giving you more time to focus on other critical areas of your business.
Take your game to the next level
To save more time and gain more efficiency, route optimization and planning is the easiest way to create daily routes for your whole team at once. Now, time-saving activities for each employee can be spread to your entire workforce, increasing and expanding the impact of these efficiency and productivity enhancements.
What do you think?
Have you tried the Reveal platform and the LogBook platform? If not, we hope you do. For those that have, we welcome your tips and tricks for using the apps. Send us a note on social media, and we may just feature you in our next Tales from the Road!
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