Alan Falik, President

Verizon Connect integral to revenue growth of 20-25%

Poolsure, a pool water management company that services the entire Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida, has embraced technology - and reaped the rewards.

"Six years ago we were staring at all the opportunity in the world but had no way to catch it,'says Alan Falik, president of Poolsure.


'We had no idea how many trucks to add, how many people, and it was scary whenever we entered a new market."

"Verizon Connect has been integral to producing top-line revenue growth of 20-25%, as well as a 50% increase in EBITDA."

Alan Falik, President, Poolsure

"When we found Verizon Connect, it was the perfect solution for us to really start going after that business that wasn't able to be added."

Not just more profitable, but safer too

"We've seen a sharp decrease in accidents, speeding, violations and out of service events.

I have managers in Florida, Louisiana and all throughout Texas - I really need them to have access to real-live information that they can react to at any moment.

Verizon Connect allows my managers to focus on what's most important to my company - that's making sure my drivers get home safe every night."

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