10 Steps to a Seamless Telematics Implementation

There is a best way to choose and deploy fleet management software that minimizes disruption to your business and sets you up on the fast track to ROI. Based on our years of experience in helping fleets of all sizes, we're giving you tips on how to maximize the benefits and avoid common pitfalls.

In this eBook, we’ll look at the four key areas of implementing telematics:

  • Pre-purchase planning
  • Getting staff buy-in
  • Installation and training
  • Maximizing benefits

Fleet management software brings many benefits but getting the right start can make all the difference.

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What's inside?

What should a product demo include?

Find out what things should be covered as part of fleet management software product demo.

What’s the very first thing you should do?

We’ve broken the implementation process into 10 individual steps – what’s number one?

How can you get buy-in from drivers?

Drivers may initially resist the idea of GPS tracking. How can you get them on side?

How can you make it fun?

Software implementation may not seem like fun but we’ve suggested something that could help.

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