5 Steps to a Better ROI on Fleet Assets

Fleet vehicles and high-value equipment are a big investment and a significant day-to-day cost for your organization. Make sure you’re running an efficient operation and using your resources wisely.

This eBook can show you how to:

  • Identify the key metrics you need to measure
  • Use maintenance scheduling to improve uptime
  • Track job history to set performance benchmarks
  • Handle disruptions, weather and traffic variations efficiently

 Learn how to use the right metrics to measure your current level of asset utilization and uncover ways to do more with less.

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What's inside?

$392,000 cost savings in 12 months

A mid-size federal government agency in Idaho implemented a Verizon Connect fleet management solution and was able to determine that 65 of its 352 vehicles could be eliminated, with savings of $392,000 in 12 months.

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