7 Ways Telematics Is Ideal for Oil & Gas Fleets

Today's comprehensive telematics solutions are well equipped to meet oil and gas fleets' unique needs. Our eBook highlights seven key ways telematics is up to the challenge.

If you're unsure how telematics can help your business or you're still manually managing your assets, download here to learn more.

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What's inside?

Get a better return on vehicles and equipment

Extend the life of assets through proactive maintenance scheduling and diagnostic alerts that can help prevent minor issues from becoming big problems.

Measure productivity in the field

Improve on-the-job performance with active employee monitoring, including metrics such as time on site or routes driven.

Streamline fuel tax credits

Collect and report off-road fuel use data—both stationary equipment and private road driving—to help improve tax credit returns.

Work better with contractors

With better visibility across all moving assets you’ll be able to coordinate more efficiently with third-party contractors.

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