DVIR Compliance

Verizon Connect automates and simplifies the DVIR process for drivers. They can sign off on a full inspection, include detailed photos and synchronize instantly with a central database all from a mobile phone or tablet.

Verizon Connect automates and simplifies the DVIR process for drivers. They can sign off on a full inspection, include detailed photos and synchronize instantly with a central database all from a mobile phone or tablet.

DVIR Software for Truck Drivers

Our DVIR software is also smart enough to make sure drivers are taking the time to do a thorough inspection. Using smart detection technology, it determines drivers have physically inspected the vehicle taking sufficient time based on the complexity of the checks that need to be made. This device-based solution avoids the problems associated with inspection point systems that rely on stickers exposed to the weather or harsh driving conditions.

DVIR Regulations

FMCSA DVIR requirements (49 CFR Part 396.13) state that drivers be satisfied that a vehicle is safe to operate and confirm any needed repairs have been completed, before using it.

The mandate states:

Before driving a motor vehicle, the driver shall:

(a) Be satisfied that the motor vehicle is in safe operating condition;

(b) Review the last driver vehicle inspection report; and

(c) Sign the report, only if defects or deficiencies were noted by the driver who prepared the report, to acknowledge that the driver has reviewed it and that there is a certification that the required repairs have been performed. The signature requirement does not apply to listed defects on a towed unit which is no longer part of the vehicle combination.

The DVIR requirements apply to all commercial vehicles (See also: What is a commercial vehicle?). For the full definition and scope of DVIR regulations please refer to the FMCSA website.

Electronic DVIRs

Verizon Connect offers drivers the ability to create and review DVIRs electronically using just their mobile phone or tablet.

To make it easier for drivers to learn how to use electronic DVIRs, forms on the screen are designed to be very similar to the paper forms they’re used to filling in and checking before each trip.

Drivers can check off each inspection item on the form (customized to suit the vehicle or equipment type) and then digitally sign to confirm they have completed the inspection (or reviewed the previous inspection).

When they submit an inspection report (or confirm a previous DVIR) it is automatically synchronized with your fleet management systems. This can help speed up the process for getting noted faults fixed.

Electronic DVIRs mean all inspection reports are all entered and stored digitally, helping to reduce administration paperwork and make it easier to audit inspection reports.

Benefits of Paperless DVIRs

Our DVIR software can improve fleet safety, maintenance turnaround, vehicle life and your CSA compliance score. And, with observable defects triggering many roadside checks, you’ll also save time with fewer DOT inspections.

DVIR compliance forms can be signed, stored and customized to include additional maintenance information for specific assets. Completed forms are securely stored to meet FMCSA data requirements.

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