9 Secrets Series: Manual processes are both outdated and overpriced


As a fleet owner, your day-to-day costs can quickly add up. Particularly when hidden and unnecessary costs are hurting your bottom line.

The amount of fuel wasted, how efficiently your staff drive, overpaying wages and how you keep track of it all, can make a huge difference when it comes to your ongoing expenses.

When you’re incredibly busy with on-site jobs and managing other areas of your business, it can be hard to identify what things aren’t as cost effective as they could be.

This series of blogs will look at how you can get a grip on such expenses and highlights nine surprising ways to lower your operating costs that you may not have even considered.

Secret 6: Manual processes are both outdated and overpriced

When it comes to your day-to-day operations, do you have manual processes in place which could be automated?

Relying on manual processes can often be time consuming. Just imagine, for instance, how much extra time that you or a member of your team would have if you didn’t need to check your staff’s handwritten timesheets and then enter their hours into a payroll system.

Think about this… Could you get a substantial return on investment and save your business money if you chose to use an automated system?

As well as being inefficient and time consuming, manual processes can also mean a far greater likelihood of error. Even a small error in calculating a staff member’s hours may lead to you accidently paying out more than is necessary.

Similarly, manual systems have no real checks and balances. Imagine if you were able to determine, via a simple alert in a cloud-based system, if a company vehicle was being used after hours. Or which drivers were wasting the most fuel.

By switching to a more automated system to eliminate manual processes wherever possible, you’ll also have far more time to focus on what’s important: your business.

You can read the rest of our 9 Secrets in our eBook.

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