Using the power of the cloud to get through the storm


With recent storms battering many parts of the British Isles this week, causing some 50,000 UK homes to lose power, many rapid response teams are working round the clock to restore order and normality.

In such emergencies, timing is everything. Increased visibility is critical for helping response teams ensure all assets and resources are dispatched to the right location in the least amount of time.

Just one hour’s blackout time can cost a large business £8500 on average, so minimising disruption time is extremely important.

To be prepared for all weathers, businesses must be proactive in setting up advanced connected intelligence solutions so their assets are best equipped.

Technology can provide real-time visibility across a fleet’s service vehicles, and is capable of situational awareness, automated vehicle tracking for efficient dispatching. This means that a quicker response can be provided when restoring electricity to stranded customers.

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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