3 fuel saving tips for your business


Fleet management and fuel costs go hand in hand. That doesn’t mean fleet managers have to resign themselves to astronomical fuel bills, however. 

Here are our top three fuel saving tips…

Keep your vehicles in order

Proper maintenance of vehicles can help reduce fuel usage. There are plenty of small things you can do, such as keeping the tyres properly inflated and getting your fleet serviced regularly, that can help to increase fuel efficiency.  In some cases, spotting and fixing a serious engine issue can improve MPG by up to 40%. *

Planning and combining trips

his particular tip probably seems obvious to many, but there are still plenty of fleet managers out there who simply do not have the time to route their vehicles in the most efficient manner possible. That’s where fleet tracking solutions can help, by providing critical insight that allows fleet managers to optimise routing, and even re-route in real time if necessary, which can help to bring down fuel costs. 

Reduce idle times

This one can be tricky because once your drivers leave the office, it’s not always easy to keep track of the amount of they spend with the engine running. Once more, fleet management software, like Verizon Connect Reveal, can help you to combat this by collecting data about idling times, with this data you can better train your drivers. 

When you consider that leaving your engine running while stationary for just two minutes can use the same amount of fuel as it would take to drive one mile, it becomes clear just how much money you could potentially save by cutting out unnecessary idling time. 

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