How to improve poor driving habits


Do you run a fleet of vehicles and often rely on feedback from the public regarding your drivers and their behaviour on the road? More importantly, do you know what impact poor driving habits are having on your business? Possibly not.

Alarmingly, one hour of idle time is the equivalent to 3.7 litres of fuel usage and with the national average price of fuel now reaching £1.38 per litre, a company running a fleet of 10 vehicles could be wasting about £935 a month in fuel due to idling alone*. That’s not all. Other common bad driving habits we regularly hear about include; speeding, harsh acceleration and harsh braking.

The good news, however, is that there are ways to monitor and better manage driver behaviour – rather than just relying on a ‘how’s my driving?’ sticker.

With Verizon Connect’s fleet management solutions, fleet managers can gather insightful data into their drivers habits out on the road, enabling them to address poor behaviour and promote positive driving standards. Our reports and alerts could ultimately help to:

  • Cut speeding fines by alerting drivers and managers of speeding infringements as they happen.
  • Reduce operating costs by using less fuel that is typically wasted by excessive speeding, acceleration and idling.
  • Decrease chances of a driver being involved in an accident by alerting incidences of bad driving and providing coaching and training. 

These reports are available for each driver, team or division over selected periods of time, allowing you to manage both safety and performance as well as setting goals for improvement.

If you’re still not convinced, download our eBook for more information around the impact of driver behaviour, or give us a call on 0800 975 4566 and we’ll walk you through why we think it’s a smart business decision.


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