Do you know where your drivers are now?


It’s Friday, it’s 3pm – most of us are starting to wind down for the weekend and look forward to two well-deserved days of rest (or play!). But as the working week draws to a close, do you really know where your workforce members are right now? 

If you’re honest with yourself, the answer is most likely no. Of course, you know where your drivers are supposed to be and you would like to think that you can trust each and every one of your team members. But, the reality is, if you don’t know exactly where they are and what they’re doing, how can you possibly guarantee an efficient and reliable service? 

If just one or two of your drivers decide to call it a day early on a Friday afternoon, this can have a huge impact upon your business – and more importantly, on your customers.

So how can you be sure where your drivers are at any one time? This is where GPS tracking comes in, allowing you to keep an eye on where your staff are, and to a certain extent, what they’re doing. Not only will this give you additional peace of mind on a Friday afternoon, but it’ll also give your drivers an extra incentive to stay on track – after all, no one is going to sneak off early for the week if they know the boss is watching!

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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