How to reduce your fleet expenses


If you are responsible for a fleet of vehicles, you’ll no doubt be aware that day-to-day costs can quickly add up, especially when those costs are unnecessary and affect your bottom line. However, when you’re busy with the day job it can be hard to identify what these avoidable costs are and more importantly, how you tackle them.

Here’s a few ideas on how you could decrease your fleet expenses and keep more money in the business:

1. Don’t pay for wasted fuel – Do your drivers use your company vehicle to run personal errands after working hours without permission? If so, how much fuel are they using? For a fleet owner, fuel is an ever-fluctuating cost and often one that’s hard to control. With GPS tracking across your vehicles, you can identify when unauthorised use is taking place and put the relevant checks in to stop it.

2. Don’t be fooled by fuel card abuse – Fuel cards can be a great way to manage your fleet’s fuel purchases but without the ability to verify transactions there is potential for misuse. Whilst you may trust your drivers, you may have little knowledge about which vehicle fuel was purchased for. Fuel card integration with a fleet management system can identify if the company vehicle was at the pump at the time the fuel card was used, helping to eliminate abuse.

3. Don’t short-change yourself – If you ask your staff to complete job sheets, how do you know they are submitting accurate start and finish times? Without monitoring, these times could be rounded down or be missing hours that you should have billed your customer for. With a fleet management solution, this can all be verified, ensuring that you charge your customers for the right number of hours. And if a customer disputes a bill, you have the data on hand to support your case.

For more tips, why not read our eBook 9 Secrets to Reducing your Fleet Expenses? Or to find out how our GPS tracking solution can help, request a demo today.

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