In the loop: How MRM can turn around your business by maximising your mobile worker potential


In the loop: How MRM can turn around your business by maximising your mobile worker potential

“Digital transformation” remains the big buzz phrase in the enterprise, and there seems little chance of this letting up.

Reorganising your organisation around the well-proven concepts of digital productivity is essential in order to keep up with the status quo. If you’re not doing it, you should be, because everyone else is, and you’re going to need to compete if, ultimately, you’re going to survive.

But there are poor relations in the digital transformation journey, and many of those relations will be members of your organisation who don’t sit on the front line of the change – coming, as it does, like a ripple effect from the board and in the CIO’s office.

There’s no better example of those risking being left out of the loop than the mobile worker. Your drivers, your delivery staff, your field engineers. First to the scene, but last to the technology rollout.

You can install the latest enterprise cloud platform across the entire office infrastructure, while these guys have barely got functional voice comms on their cab consoles.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. With mobile resource management (MRM), you can pull your remote workers back firmly into the loop. Full digital comms to connect to head office systems including workflow applications, commercial navigation for vehicles and assets, logbooks and work order management are all available, and in just one platform that syncs up fully with back office systems.

And it works both ways – the data the business can gain from including mobile workers in the conversation can be invaluable to enterprise development.

Closing the loop

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A fully implemented MRM platform, our survey found, can bring an efficiency boost of almost 22 per cent to a mobile workforce. That’s not only an incredible acceleration of business output generally, but testament to what may be the dormant power of your mobile team. If you think of your mobile team as a necessary evil while you sit safely in the IT department playing with new tech, it may be time to start thinking again.

Verizon Connect research backs up the proposal. We asked 200 senior operational decision makers across Europe at large enterprises of more than 250 employees, with a mobile workforce, whether they felt they’d have more usable data at their disposal as a result of implementing an MRM platform, and over half agreed this would be the case.

Nearly 50 per cent also state they would be able to make decisions easier as a result of MRM, or else have a greater ability to meet tomorrow’s challenges – which, again, is what this is all about: moving into the future by securing your talent and resources today.

Integrate and innovate

85 per cent agreed that “an integrated MRM platform would greatly enhance my organisation’s ability to manage our mobile employees and machinery or assets” is a statement we put to survey respondents.

Meanwhile, 82 per cent agreed that such a platform would help their organisation meet tomorrow’s challenges of newer, better, faster and better value services.

Overall, it’s a no-brainer. No business would want to plunge into the digital future while leaving its mobile workers on the Stone Age perimeter, and a robust MRM adoption can provide everything you need to integrate – then innovate – on one convenient platform.

To find out information about the use case for MRM, check out the full research paper here.


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