Is your tachograph working for you?


For many fleet businesses, the tachograph is merely a legal requirement – simply another box to tick in the life of the fleet manager.

However, ticking this box often proves difficult. Many of the fleet managers we surveyed as part of the Verizon Connect Fleet Manager Survey 2018 said that accessing and maintaining adequate tachograph data is a time-consuming process. Downloading the data is simple enough, taking less than 30 minutes according to 77% of respondents. However, it is fixing errors within this data that proves to be the major time drain. 59% of fleet managers surveyed said that they spend anywhere between half a day and three days fixing such mistakes.

This is a shocking figure. At the very least, downloading tacho data should be a straightforward procedure. But, beyond that, such data should help to speed up decision making and improve key processes, rather than slowing fleet managers down.

Tachograph data can be integrated with fleet data to speed up reporting and analysis, help fleet managers make smarter and more accurate decisions, improve fleet safety and more. Your data should be working for you, not holding you back – if it’s not, it’s time to find out why.

With Verizon Connect, you can greatly reduce the time taken to process tacho data and ensure your drivers remain compliant when out on the road. To find out more click here.

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