Traffic jams cost the UK economy £9bn annually


A new study from traffic analysts Inrix has found that traffic jams on major UK roads cost the economy around £9bn a year in wasted time, fuel, and unnecessary carbon emissions.

The longest traffic jam lasted a staggering 15 hours over a 36 mile stretch. For businesses that rely on the roads, delays can waste time and money and result in angry customers.

For fleet managers, it’s vital to optimise routes and avoid traffic jams to make gains and increase customer satisfaction. 

Inrix chief economist Dr Graham Cookson said: "We advise motorists use the latest real-time traffic technology to keep up to date with the situation on the roads."*

Mobile Resource Management (MRM) is the obvious technology choice for fleet managers. Not only does the technology plot out the best routes to avoid traffic, and re-route drivers at a moment’s notice if traffic conditions change, it helps fleet managers most effectively manage their assets, reduce fuel wastage and increase productivity.


*Source: The Telegraph 

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