UK drivers spending more than one day per year stuck in traffic.


Inrix’s new research reveals drivers in UK cities spend more than one day per year stuck in rush hour traffic.

This adds up to an overall cost of an astonishing £1,168 per driver in wasted fuel. Motorists in major cities such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham, are especially affected – for example, London drivers typically lose over three days to traffic.

With workforces becoming increasingly mobile, managers are turning to Mobile Resource Management (MRM) to keep track of all their workers in the field. Time wasted in traffic can lead to significant losses in revenue and it’s a constant worry for operations managers.

To address this, MRM has live analytics that can help to plan out the best routes beforehand and avoid heavy traffic. The technology can also track the vehicle’s location once it’s out on the road, and even re-route the vehicle at a moment’s notice if road conditions suddenly change.

This helps reduce the amount of time wasted and can make a significant difference to the bottom line & for customer experience.

Contact us if you would like to learn more about Mobile Resource Management.

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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