Verizon Connect helps leading infrastructure company streamline operations


Enterprises everywhere face a similar challenge in the modern workplace – how do they gain visibility of their mobile workers dotted across the country?

Award-winning infrastructure company Story Contracting came to us in this very position. With around 300 workers out on the road nationwide, keeping on top of all assets workers and their job statuses was proving to be tricky.

Mobile Resource Management from Verizon Connect offered the perfect solution to Story’s challenges. It provided complete visibility to see which worker was driving each vehicle, at which time, and in which location. It also displayed critical information regarding utilisation, job status, and vehicle performance in near real-time, and on any device.

Verizon Connect’s auto-reporting solution helped Story deliver vastly more detailed information in minutes – where their previous system could take up to six hours. This detailed reporting also helped to improve driver behaviour and increase efficiency and productivity.

With data collected on everything from engine diagnostics and idling to asset utilisation, Story can now quickly and easily identify areas inefficiency to continuously improve across the organisation. David Armstrong, Story’s Fleet Manager told us:

“We’re now able to look at our fleet by department and see exactly where we’re less efficient than we should be. Who is not fully utilising their vehicles? Who is idling excessively? With this information, we can implement changes and make savings.”

Read the full Story Contracting Case study here

Find out how our platform gives you the visibility you need to get more done.

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