Do you have a winter driving policy?


With reports suggesting that the UK is set for its coldest winter in almost a decade, now is the time for fleet-reliant businesses to ensure that their vehicles and drivers are fully prepared for what is to come.

One way to make sure your fleet is ready for bad weather and changing road conditions is to implement a winter driving policy. This is essentially a vehicle preparation checklist that comes into effect as soon as winter draws in. Your policy should include:

  • Visual checks of tread depth and tyre condition.
  • Checking fluid levels at the start of each day.
  • Regular cleaning of the windscreen – both inside and out.
  • Checking, and if necessary, replacing wiper blades.
  • Regular examination and cleaning of headlights.

Your winter policy should also include a list of required equipment for winter driving, such as warm clothing, a torch, a high-vis vest and a spare battery or phone charger. Make sure they also know who to call in the event of a breakdown and what to do if they have an accident.

You may also wish to take drivers through a winter driving refresher session, or at the very least distribute leaflets or a company email reminding them of the need to drive with extra caution during the winter months.

Much of the advice for driving during the winter is, of course, common sense, such as allowing more distance to break, reducing speed in icy conditions and so on. However, a reminder never hurts – and anything that can help to keep safety at the forefront of your drivers’ minds can only be a good thing.   

To find out how a fleet management solution could improve the safety and planning across your fleet, whatever the weather, take a look here.

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