Gordon Duncan, Owner

Scottish haulage company saves on fuel and maintenance cost thanks to fleet tracking

Scottish haulage company, Gordon Duncan Limited, implemented GPS fleet tracking to help increase productivity within its drivers and also to help with locating its drivers so that jobs are better allocated to the closest driver.

Since installing the fleet management system, the company has experienced significant benefits. Gordon Duncan, Managing Director of Gordon Duncan Limited, explains; “The biggest advantage I’ve noticed since installing the Verizon Connect GPS vehicle tracking system has been fuel savings, which was evident immediately. Thanks to the ‘Live Fleet’ function I was able to monitor all employees’ driving behaviour and I’m now saving approximately £100 a week on fuel, which equates to around £4,800 off my yearly fuel bill! For a small business, I think it is just remarkable.”

A further advantage to the company since installing the vehicle tracking system has been the considerable savings on fleet maintenance. Thanks to the ‘Service Alerts’ Mr. Duncan has been able to set maintenance alerts for each fleet by calendar time, engine on time, and mileage.

“With ‘Service Alerts’, I have been able to manage all my fleet maintenance needs in one place. This has resulted in the company saving thousands of pounds on servicing vehicles. For example the brakes, the suspension and the tyres are only half the cost of what it was prior to using the system,” adds Mr. Duncan.

The ‘Live Fleet’ tool on the fleet tracking system, which is thirty seconds, monitors the location of all Gordon Duncan’s vehicles onthe road, indicating whether a vehicle is free, en route to the next call or still with a customer. This has increased the company’s job productivity as work can be assigned to the nearest driver accordingly.

Mr. Duncan is also impressed with the mobile app. With his portable tablet, he proclaims, “I can see the locations of my entire fleet within seconds. It’s benefitted me greatly, and I’m extremely happy.”

Since installing the vehicle tracking system, Gordon Duncan’sfuel bill, vehicle maintenance cost, job efficiency and customer service levels have greatly improved. Mr. Duncan concludes: “I had been considering about installing a GPS tracking device on our vehicles for some time, as I thought it was the best direction for our business to go and I was right. Fleet tracking has not only enhanced my business, I have also saved a lot of money.”

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